Dance Classes
Lyric Modern Dance 1
Adults & Teens
Wednesday 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Fall 2024 Sessions: Sept. 11, 18, 25 and Oct 2, 9, 30
Cost: $95.00
This style of dance is accessible to most people with minimum training and lots of fun! All classes are consecutive and you must sign up for all 6 classes per session. Valerie Henry will teach to the level of the class.
Each class will begin with stretches, strength building exercises and lessons on:
Body Alignment
Effort Shape
Directions in Space
Language of Dance
Meet Valerie in the lobby of Tabernacle Church, Laurel MD at 6:50p each week.

Lyric Modern Dance 2
Must have completed Lyric Modern Dance 1
or by invitation or audition
Wednesday 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Fall 2024 Sessions: November 6, 13, 20, 27 and December 4, 11
All classes are consecutive
Cost: $100.00
Each class will begin with more advanced stretches, strength building exercises and lessons on:
Turns & Leaps
Quicker Movement Tempos
Putting It Together : More advanced Lyric Dance combinations
Borrowing from Ballet/Basic Terms

Choreography Critique and Performance Coaching
Cost: One Hour - $50 US
Personal, performance coaching in person or online!
Improve your dancing in just one hour!
This class is one of Valerie's students favorites!
Ms. Henry is a skilled dance artist, who loves helping other dancers improve their solo or group choreography, and performance skills.
Contact Valerie Henry to schedule a class!

Online College-Level Courses
Valerie has taught at Wesley Institute for Ministry & The Arts in Sydney, Australia, William Patterson University in Wayne NJ, American University in Washington DC, Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, PA, and Belhaven University in Jackson, Mississippi. She is now offering her 15 week college-level dance courses online.
Online Courses Available:
Dance As Ministry
Dance Education I & II
Choreography I - IV
Labanotation I
Classic Modern Dance I-IV: Beginner-Advanced
Advanced Neo-Classic Dance I-IV
Ballet Barre and Neo-Classic Center
Repertoire: Dances From The Feast of Tabernacles 1984-2000
Contact Valerie Henry for pricing and course outline.